Установил сверху на всякий случай дрова от сюда - http://www.prolific.com.tw/...225&pcid=41mr.ptec, 01 Нояб. 15, 18:30Там написано.
Warning Notice:
Please be warned that counterfeit (fake) PL-2303HX (Chip Rev A) USB to Serial Controller ICs using Prolific's trademark logo, brandname, and device drivers, were being sold in the China market. Counterfeit IC products show exactly the same outside chip markings but generally are of poor quality and causes Windows driver compatibility issues (Yellow Mark Error Code 10 in Device Manager). We issue this warning to all our customers and consumers to avoid confusion and false purchase.
На тойже странице написано.
Windows 8/8.1/10 are NOT supported in PL-2303HXA and PL-2303X EOL chip versions.Версия PL-2303HXA не поддерживается Windows 8 и выше.Может как раз ваш случай?